#FOAMed (Free Open Access Meducation)

The internet is a gold mine for Medical Students. Most junior doctors will have a list of their favourite websites - the ones that got them through Finals!

The #FOAMed community is growing rapidly with numerous websites and lots of Twitter streams of new and innovative medical education resources. We are compiling a list of all the best online resources, with ratings and tips on how to get the best from each website. Vitally, we want YOU to contribute to this database so that we make sure we find even the most elusive online gems - if you have any links that you find invaluable then submit them using our simple form.

Make sure you follow us on Twitter (@OSCE_Aid) to keep up with the latest OSCE #FOAMed!

selected category: ethics (2 posted):

Ministry of Ethics
Good for understanding the ethics and law behind confidentiality, paediatrics, obstetrics and psychiatric cases.
posted by: cyfung, on: 09/11/12, 00:01
Illusions of Autonomy
Brilliant website from a gastroenterology consultant in the South of England. Dr Berry has a growing follower count on his blog that explores ethical scenarios, legal rulings and the difficult thoughts of medical staff. Worth a read - not exactly exam material but a great website that might change your practice as a junior doctor.
posted by: Joel_cunningham, on: 30/01/16, 12:26

**The opinions expressed above are those of the respective user and do not necessarily reflect the views of the OSCE-Aid team**